Last night the Ceremony for the Official Opening of the Cherry Walk took place in the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens. Sean Rafferty, the extraordinary host of BBC's Radio 3 In Tune was the official guest of honour. The Cherry Walk was commissioned and funded by the Friends of Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens. The designer, world-renowned landscaper Todd Longstaff-Gowan was also present at the ceremony. The Friends committee was there in force as were members of local organisations, Lambeth Council and the local community. Chair Paola Piglia and Vice Chair David Wheeler gave short speeches to introduce the project and the guests of honour. Mr Rafferty cut the ribbon and unveiled the plaque ( which will be fixed in place in the next month or so). It was a very pleasant event and the Friends and the community all look forward to the many years of flowering and dry path across the park !
he Chair Paola Piglia and Vice chair David Wheeler introduce the project and the guests
Guest of honour Sean Rafferty and designer Todd Longstaffe-Gowan
Paola hands scissors to Mr Rafferty
Sean Rafferty prefers to cut the ribbon
The deed is done: The Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens Cherry Walk is officially open!
The Black granite plaque
Guests at the opening
Theresa Hoare of Lambeth parks Development, Kate Pode, Eamonn McMahon talk to Sean Rafferty
Theatricals from Harry Iggulden from the Tea House
Caroll Bentall , Vauxhall City Farm manager and other farm representative with donkeys Bert and Ernie
Carol shows off Bert and Ernie who were very good and did not eat the decorations